How To Plan A Trouble-Free House Extension Renovation

Do you want to add an extension to your home to create the dream house of your dreams? How to start, and how to find the right architect.

Choose Which Parts of your Home should be Extended

It is not always necessary to look for the most obvious location. For example, if you want a larger kitchen but there’s room outside, an extension at the rear of your house would be a good idea. A new porch can be an excellent solution for more coats, muddy boots and other items. It also makes a stylish entrance.

It’s important to take into account any restrictions when deciding where to extend your house. It can be challenging to add a first-floor extension to a terraced home because the planning department will consider that it could block your neighbours’ views and daylight. Loft extensions can provide you with the extra space needed for a bedroom or two. A two-story side extension is possible if you have a semi-detached or detached house. In the suburbs, a classic project is to build a garage on the ground floor with an extension of the kitchen or utility behind it. Then add a master bedroom with an en suite bathroom and ensuite above. It is a great way to increase the living space by as much as 50%.

You should involve a qualified architect in your home improvement project once you have decided on the area you wish to extend. It is worth consulting an architect early. They can offer expert advice, especially if you are struggling to make a choice.

Find an Architect at a RVC accredited Chartered Practice

The most popular home improvement project is house extensions. They are very popular for many reasons, not the least of which is that they can add value to your property and give you more living space without having to move. If you’re planning an extension, whether it is a loft, a kitchen extension or a single-story addition, talking to Chartered Architects in your area who can visit the house and walk you through the process step by step will be the best way to start. You can make the most out of your initial consultation, which some architects offer for free. It’s a good idea to involve other family members in the planning process.

Consider the cost of the extension, including the architect fee. Consider how much you can afford to spend for your home improvement project. Also, consider whether you’ll need a loan from your bank or building societies. You can also collect pictures of buildings or extensions you would like to show the architect at your first meeting. It will help them get a better idea of what you like in terms of design. After you’ve commissioned an architectural firm, they can begin the design process for you. They will also help you determine how long it will take to complete each stage of your house extension.

Calculate the Cost of Adding an Extension to Your House

Talking to residential architects who have experience with your project type is a good way to get a rough estimate of the cost of your home extension in auckland. Before you get detailed drawings, it’s difficult for local builders to give an accurate quote. It’s because, without detailed plans that clearly show the scope of the project and specifications that specify the quality you want, it’s impossible to accurately calculate the cost. Local builders who are responsible will not give you a quote unless you provide them with a set of working drawings. A builder who gives you a quote without these details may later try to protect their margin by altering the quality of work or finding extra costs. An architect will estimate the ballpark price based on their previous experience of completing other house extension projects. Even if the quotes are too high, an architect with experience can still keep the project within budget.

You Can Find Out if Your Home Extension Requires Planning Permission.

The permitted development rules (PD) set by the government cover many modest extensions. These rules allow for ground floor rear extensions up to 8 metres for detached houses and 6 metres for terraced or semidetached homes without the need to submit an application or wait eight weeks for a decision. The rules allow ground floor extensions to be built on the sides of houses, as long as they do not exceed half the width the existing frontage. If a loft extension on the side or back of the roof is permitted, it can add 40 or 50 cubic meters. These rules are relaxed because they believe that minor additions to houses shouldn’t be subject to scrutiny by the planning department. Talk to architects who have dealt with councils’ unexpected interpretations if you are unsure of how the rules are being applied.

Understand the Main Regulations Governing House Extensions

The Building Regulations are the primary legislation that governs house extensions, aside from planning rules. The Approved documents booklets for England and Wales are very similar but have slightly different versions. In Scotland, a set of Building Standards are laid out in a Technical Handbook. Northern Ireland has a series of technical booklets that builders must follow. As long as you hire an architect and a competent builder, there shouldn’t be any problems. The Party Wall etc Act may also be relevant for building over or near shared drains, and to ensure that excavations don’t cause damage to nearby buildings. Understanding building regulations and planning rules is only one of many reasons to use an architect when extending your home. This section will cover a few of these reasons.

Your House Extension Could Be Better and Cheaper if You Hire an Architect

It may seem risky and complicated to have major construction work done on your house, but you can reduce the risks by using a professional architect. Not only can they provide the best design for the money you spend, but also assist you in finding the right builder to work with and negotiating a fair price. By managing the entire process for you, architects can help reduce stress and anxiety. This allows you to focus on more enjoyable aspects of the project such as selecting the perfect tile for your bathroom or choosing the new kitchen.

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